Fun Facts About the Dominican Republic

Couple dancing Merengue on a beach at sunset

Birthplace of Merengue

The Dominican Republic is the birthplace of Merengue, a lively dance and music style that has become popular worldwide. It's not just a dance; it's a significant part of Dominican culture and identity!

Close-up of a blue Larimar gemstone

Larimar: The Dominican Gemstone

Larimar, a rare blue variety of pectolite, is found only in the Dominican Republic. This beautiful gemstone is often called the "Dominican Turquoise" or "Stefilia's Stone" and is prized by jewelers and collectors worldwide.

Piece of amber with a preserved insect inside

Amber Capital of the World

The Dominican Republic is known for having some of the world's clearest amber. The country's amber is famous for its variety of inclusions, including preserved insects and even small lizards from millions of years ago!

View of Pico Duarte mountain peak

Home to the Caribbean's Highest Peak

Pico Duarte, located in the Cordillera Central mountain range, is the highest peak in the Caribbean. Standing at 3,098 meters (10,164 feet) above sea level, it offers breathtaking views and challenging hikes for adventurers.

Historic building of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo

First University in the Americas

The Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, founded in 1538, is the oldest university in the Americas. It continues to be an important center of learning in the Caribbean.

Baseball player swinging bat on a sunny field

Baseball Powerhouse

The Dominican Republic is known for producing exceptional baseball players. Many Major League Baseball stars, including Pedro Martínez, David Ortiz, and Albert Pujols, hail from this Caribbean nation.

Aerial view of mangrove forest in Los Haitises National Park

Underwater World of Mangroves

The Dominican Republic boasts the Caribbean's largest mangrove forest in Los Haitises National Park. These mangroves provide a crucial habitat for numerous species and offer unique kayaking experiences for visitors.

Humpback whale breaching in Samaná Bay

Whale Watching Paradise

Every year, thousands of humpback whales migrate to Samaná Bay to mate and give birth. This makes the Dominican Republic one of the best places in the world for whale watching between January and March.

Cacao pods and chocolate bars made from Dominican cacao

Chocolate Legacy

The Dominican Republic is one of the world's top producers of organic cacao. The country's chocolate is renowned for its rich flavor and high quality, making it a favorite among chocolate connoisseurs.

Colorful masks and costumes of the Dominican Carnival

Carnival Celebrations

The Dominican Carnival, celebrated throughout February, is one of the most colorful and vibrant in the Caribbean. Each town has its unique masks and characters, with the most famous being the diablo cojuelo (limping devil).